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zaterdag, maart 19, 2005

Resmi Chandra Senan wint VN-fotoprijs

Indian lenswoman Resmi Chandra Senan has won the top prize in the general category of the International Photographic Competition organised by United Nations Environment Programme.

Competing among participants from nearly 170 countries, Senan's portrait of 'deer feeding on refuse and rubbish' fetched her USD 20,000.

Monica Alexandra Terrazas Galvan of Mexico won the USD 5,000 prize in the youth category for her simple but stark portrayal of the gap between the rich and the poor through imagery of affluent housing set above the slums below.

Similarly, Thailand's Chamajporm Pongpanich won USD 2,000 in the children's category for a moving and reverential portrait of monks draping a brown and gold cloth around the truck of a huge tree.

De winnende foto's zijn hier te bekijken. Lees ook het persbericht van het UNEP.

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